Daniel Ciocîrlan
16 min read •
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This piece assumes you’re already very comfortable with Scala. If you know a bit of Cats (which we teach in the Cats course), that’s a bonus, but not required for this article, because we’re going to lay all the groundwork for what we need here.
This article describes the Free monad in Scala — how it works, what it’s good for and why we need it in the first place.
In order to describe the Free monad, we need to understand what a Monad is. We’ve already written several approaches to it:
I encourage you to read at least the first two approaches. Monads are very powerful and form the building blocks for every useful piece of purely functional code. We describe monads as a type class, which takes a generic type argument which is itself generic (a higher-kinded type):
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
Monads describe, in essence, two fundamental operations:
Just from these two operations, we can describe an incredible variety of computations:
The Free monad describes a similar “sequential” capability for a wrapper type and for a well-defined value type.
The Free monad in Scala can be described by a similar type signature, taking a type argument M[_]
which is the container exhibiting monadic capabilities, and a type argument A
which is the value type with which that wrapper is defined. In other words, a Free monad trait can be written as
trait Free[M[_], A]
Because it’s a monad, we can also write the pure
and flatMap
methods, with the exact same meaning. However, since the Free data type has a slightly different signature, the pure
and flatMap
will also look a little different:
trait Free[M[_], A] {
def pure(a: A): Free[M, A]
def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[M, B]): Free[M, B]
A difference from the “regular” monad is that in this case, we shouldn’t really need an instance of Free to build a new instance of Free with the pure
method. So we’ll move the pure
method to a companion object, while keeping the pure
concept intact:
trait Free[M[_], A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[M, B]): Free[M, B]
object Free {
def pure[M[_], A](a: A): Free[M, A] = ???
We’ll leave the pure
method unimplemented for now. The important bit is that we have the same pure
+ flatMap
concepts here as well, even though the methods themselves are moved to different places. Now, because we have pure
and flatMap
, we can implement the map
method for free — as we teach in the Scala with Cats course, the Functor’s fundamental method can be expressed in terms of pure
and flatMap
trait Free[M[_], A] {
// ... the rest of the code
import Free._
def map[B](f: A => B): Free[M, B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
This map
method will come in handy later.
Besides pure
, flatMap
and map
(which derives from the other two), we also have a function that turns a regular M[A]
into a Free instance. This function is called “lift”, either named liftM
or liftM
in real libraries, and looks like this:
object Free {
// ... the rest of the code
def liftM[M, A](ma: M[A]): Free[M, A]
That’s it! This is the Free monad.
But… why?
Before we implement an actual Free monad, we’ll take a detour to explain why the Free monad is a useful concept in the first place. We’ll go through an example to understand how the Free monad would be actually used.
Let’s imagine we’re writing a small tool to interact with a custom database we have at work. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll assume the fundamental operations of the database to be the regular CRUD:
trait DBOps[A]
case class Create[A](key: String, value: A) extends DBOps[Unit]
case class Read[A](key: String) extends DBOps[A]
case class Update[A](key: String, value: A) extends DBOps[A]
case class Delete(key: String) extends DBOps[Unit]
This suite of operations (some of which can wrap others in real libraries) bears the fancy name of “algebra”, for the reason that any expression composed out of these fundamental types through some operators (like nesting or regular methods) belong to this group as well.
It’s easy to imagine an example of an interaction with such a database:
on itThis is a sequential suite of operations. Because it’s sequential, a monadic data type to describe all of these operations can prove very useful. However, instead of writing a type class instance for Monad[DBOps]
and following the tagless-final approach, we’re going to use a Free monad:
type DBMonad[A] = Free[DBOps, A]
Because we’re using a Free monad, instead of describing combinators of the data types above, we’re going to “lift” them to Free through smart constructors:
def create[A](key: String, value: A): DBMonad[Unit] =
Free.liftM[DBOps, Unit](Create(key, value))
def get[A](key: String): DBMonad[A] =
Free.liftM[DBOps, A](Read[A](key))
def update[A](key: String, value: A): DBMonad[A] =
Free.liftM[DBOps, A](Update[A](key, value))
def delete(key: String): DBMonad[Unit] =
and with these smart constructors in place, we can immediately imagine an abstract program that does what we said above — read, change, create new entry, delete old entry:
def myLittleProgram: DBMonad[Unit] = for {
_ <- create[String]("123-456", "Daniel")
name <- get[String]("123-456")
_ <- create[String]("567", name.toUpperCase())
_ <- delete("123-456")
} yield ()
This program can be completely described in terms of the Free monad, regardless of what wrapper type we use. The only problem is that it’s a description of a computation; it does not perform any meaningful work in the world, like, you know, interacting with an actual database.
We need something to interpret this program.
What does “interpretation” even mean? Interpreting a program means transforming this abstract program written in terms of the Free monad into another data type that actually performs the computations when evaluated. A good candidate for such a data structure is, for example, the Cats Effect IO. However, we can pick another data type of our choosing, with the meaning of
This is why the Free monad has another operation that can “evaluate” an instance of Free to one of these data types. The operation is called foldMap
and looks like this:
trait Free[M[_], A] {
// ... existing code
def foldMap[G[_]: Monad](natTrans: M ~> G): G[A]
This one is a bit more complicated. Let’s take each piece in turn.
First of all, what’s a natTrans
and the ~>
symbol? The concept of “natural transformation” is a higher-kinded Function1 type that looks like this:
trait ~>[F[_], G[_]] {
def apply[A](fa: F[A]): G[A]
So instead of a regular Function1 taking value types as type parameters, now we operate at a higher kind. We used this concept in our demonstration for why monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors. Examples of natural transformations in real life include:
: this is an example of an implementation of a natural transformation between Try
and Option
which returns the head of the list, if it exists: an example of an implementation of a natural transformation between List
and Option
: the reverseWe can abstract away this concept of natural transformation by the ~>
symbol, which looks like a function type at a higher kind.
Back to foldMap
. Notice that the return value of foldMap
is G[A]
, so a different monadic type than M[_]
, assuming that G “is” a Monad, by the context bound G[_]: Monad
. This is important, because the evaluation of an instance of Free can only happen if the wrapper type which we’re evaluating to is also a monad, i.e. exhibits monadic behavior.
For our little program, we can interpret it with foldMap
, if we can create a natural transformation from our type DBOps
to some other type that will actually perform the actions described by the program. Let’s write a simple IO data type in the style of Cats Effect:
case class IO[A](unsafeRun: () => A)
object IO {
def create[A](a: => A): IO[A] = IO(() => a)
The IO type encapsulates computations that evaluate to A
, with potential side effects. The IO data type is a monad, meaning that we can create a Monad instance for it:
given ioMonad: Monad[IO] with {
override def pure[A](a: A) =
IO(() => a)
override def flatMap[A, B](ma: IO[A])(f: A => IO[B]) =
IO(() => f(ma.unsafeRun()).unsafeRun())
Being a monad, the IO data type is a suitable “evaluator” for our abstract program. The only piece that we need is a natural transformation from DBOps
to IO. This natural transformation is the logic of evaluating the abstract CRUD operations (for now just data structures) into actual effects in the real world. For that, we’ll need an actual database to store and retrieve data. For this simple example, we’ll assume a simple mutable map, but this can easily be replaced in practice by a real database.
val myDB: mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map()
For our particular database, in order to read/write values of type A
, we’ll also provide some awesome serialization/deserialization API to/from String:
def serialize[A](a: A): String = a.toString
def deserialize[A](value: String): A = value.asInstanceOf[A]
Of course, with your own database, the communication protocol will be different, but for this example it’ll be sufficient.
The natural transformation from DBOps
to our IO data type will need to take the “database” and the “protocol” into account. All we need to do is convert all cases of DBOps
into proper IO
s that will perform effects on the database when evaluated, so we can resort to simple pattern matching for this:
val dbOps2IO: DBOps ~> IO = new (DBOps ~> IO) {
override def apply[A](fa: DBOps[A]): IO[A] = fa match {
case Create(key, value) => IO.create {
// database insert query - here, just printing
println(s"insert into people(id, name) values ($key, $value)")
myDB += (key -> serialize(value))
case Read(key) => IO.create {
println(s"select * from people where id=$key limit 1")
case Update(key, value) => IO.create {
println(s"update people(name=$value) where id=$key")
val oldValue = myDB(key)
myDB += (key -> serialize(value))
case Delete(key) => IO.create {
println(s"delete from people where id=$key")
With all pieces in place, we can now run the interpreter of our abstract program with foldMap
and with the natural transformation we’ve just implemented:
val ioProgram: IO[Unit] = myLittleProgram.foldMap(dbOps2IO)
This is a single IO[Unit]
effect which can be passed around, reused, or “run” in main:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
ioProgram.unsafeRun() // PERFORMS THE ACTUAL WORK
This will execute the IO effect, which in turn will evaluate our abstract program.
Why have we gone all this way just to insert a bunch of data into a database?
The Free monad is a pattern which allows us to separate
In other words, our abstract program is what matters for our application/business logic. We can keep that fixed, and give it different interpreters depending on how our requirements change — e.g. perhaps we want the program to be evaluated asynchronously — or we can do the reverse. This makes it very easy to maintain, because we can work independently on either
So notice the flexibility we get by choosing to work on a piece of the system without affecting the others. Another benefit of this approach is testability, because we can always supply a “testing” monad to evaluate the program, make assertions and ensure the business logic is correct, while the interpreter itself can be independently tested.
You might have noticed that our current code is incomplete. We took a detour to understand the reasons why Free monads are useful and how they help with code decoupling. Let’s move back to the Free monad itself, because our Free type currently looks like this:
trait Free[M[_], A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[M, B]): Free[M, B]
def map[B](f: A => B): Free[M, B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
def foldMap[G[_]: Monad](natTrans: M ~> G): G[A]
object Free {
def pure[M[_], A](a: A): Free[M, A] = ???
def liftM[M[_], A](ma: M[A]): Free[M, A] = ???
We’re going to write actual instances of Free as case classes for all fundamental operations:
object Free {
// ... existing code
case class Pure[M[_], A](a: A) extends Free[M, A]
case class FlatMap[M[_],A,B](fa: Free[M, A], f: A => Free[M, B]) extends Free[M, B]
case class Suspend[M[_], A](ma: M[A]) extends Free[M, A]
The Pure
type simply wraps a single value of type A
; we’ll make use of this later when we evaluate foldMap
. The FlatMap
case class follows the signature of the flatMap
method in the Free trait, keeping the Free instance to be transformed and a function to turn an A
into another instance of Free[M, B]
. The final case class is Suspend
which corresponds to the liftM
With these case classes in place, we can evaluate pure
, flatMap
and liftM
trait Free[M[_], A] {
import Free.*
def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[M, B]): Free[M, B] = FlatMap(this, f) // added now
def map[B](f: A => B): Free[M, B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
def foldMap[G[_]: Monad](natTrans: M ~> G): G[A]
object Free {
def pure[M[_], A](a: A): Free[M, A] = Pure(a) // added now
def liftM[M[_], A](ma: M[A]): Free[M, A] = Suspend(ma) // added now
// added earlier
case class Pure[M[_], A](a: A) extends Free[M, A]
case class FlatMap[M[_],A,B](fa: Free[M, A], f: A => Free[M, B]) extends Free[M, B]
case class Suspend[M[_], A](ma: M[A]) extends Free[M, A]
So the final piece that we need to implement is foldMap
. The foldMap
method will now need to evaluate this Free instance, depending on which type this instance belongs to:
, then return a “pure” G[A]
. Because G
is a monad, we can do that easily.Suspend
, then take the M[A]
wrapped inside and turn that into a G[A]
because we have the natural transformation handy.FlatMap
, then this instance has two fields: another Free instance and a transformation function.
on the wrapped Free instance, returning a G[A]
that because G
is a monad, so we can use the Monad instance to do it.Notice how the presence of a given/implicit Monad[G]
in scope is crucial here. Our code for foldMap
is as follows:
def foldMap[G[_]](natTrans: M ~> G)(using monadG: Monad[G]): G[A] = this match {
case Pure(a) => Monad[G].pure(a)
case Suspend(ma) => natTrans.apply(ma)
case FlatMap(fa, f) =>
monadG.flatMap(fa.foldMap(natTrans))(a => f(a).foldMap(natTrans))
Here, we’ve slightly changed the signature of foldMap
so that we can make use of the given Monad[G]
, but we can also keep the old signature and add a summoning method for Monad:
// alternative
object Monad {
def apply[M[_]](using monad: Monad[M]): Monad[M] = monad
trait Free[M[_], A] {
// ... existing code
// added now
def foldMap[G[_]: Monad](natTrans: M ~> G): G[A] = this match {
case Pure(a) => Monad[G].pure(a)
case Suspend(ma) => natTrans.apply(ma)
case FlatMap(fa, f) => // need a G[B]
Monad[G].flatMap(fa.foldMap(natTrans))(a => f(a).foldMap(natTrans))
The full program with all pieces put together looks like this:
object FreeMonad {
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
object Monad {
def apply[M[_]](using monad: Monad[M]): Monad[M] = monad
trait ~>[F[_], G[_]] {
def apply[A](fa: F[A]): G[A]
trait Free[M[_], A] {
import Free.*
def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[M, B]): Free[M, B] = FlatMap(this, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): Free[M, B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
def foldMap[G[_]: Monad](natTrans: M ~> G): G[A] = this match {
case Pure(a) => Monad[G].pure(a)
case Suspend(ma) => natTrans.apply(ma)
case FlatMap(fa, f) => // need a G[B]
Monad[G].flatMap(fa.foldMap(natTrans))(a => f(a) .foldMap(natTrans) )
object Free {
def pure[M[_], A](a: A): Free[M, A] = Pure(a)
def liftM[M[_], A](ma: M[A]): Free[M, A] = Suspend(ma)
case class Pure[M[_], A](a: A) extends Free[M, A]
case class FlatMap[M[_],A,B](fa: Free[M, A], f: A => Free[M, B]) extends Free[M, B]
case class Suspend[M[_], A](ma: M[A]) extends Free[M, A]
// sequence computations as data structures, THEN attach the monadic type at the end
// "algebra"
trait DBOps[A]
case class Create[A](key: String, value: A) extends DBOps[Unit]
case class Read[A](key: String) extends DBOps[A]
case class Update[A](key: String, value: A) extends DBOps[A]
case class Delete(key: String) extends DBOps[Unit]
// definitions - fancier algebra
type DBMonad[A] = Free[DBOps, A]
// "smart" constructors
def create[A](key: String, value: A): DBMonad[Unit] =
Free.liftM[DBOps, Unit](Create(key, value))
def get[A](key: String): DBMonad[A] =
Free.liftM[DBOps, A](Read[A](key))
def update[A](key: String, value: A): DBMonad[A] =
Free.liftM[DBOps, A](Update[A](key, value))
def delete(key: String): DBMonad[Unit] =
// business logic is FIXED
def myLittleProgram: DBMonad[Unit] = for { // monadic
_ <- create[String]("123-456", "Daniel")
name <- get[String]("123-456")
_ <- create[String]("567", name.toUpperCase())
_ <- delete("123-456")
} yield () // description of a computation
// evaluate the program - interpreter/"compiler"
// IO
case class IO[A](unsafeRun: () => A)
object IO {
def create[A](a: => A): IO[A] = IO(() => a)
given ioMonad: Monad[IO] with {
override def pure[A](a: A) = IO(() => a)
override def flatMap[A, B](ma: IO[A])(f: A => IO[B]) =
IO(() => f(ma.unsafeRun()).unsafeRun())
val myDB: mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map()
// TODO replace these with some real serialization
def serialize[A](a: A): String = a.toString
def deserialize[A](value: String): A = value.asInstanceOf[A]
// nat trans DBOps -> IO
val dbOps2IO: DBOps ~> IO = new (DBOps ~> IO) {
override def apply[A](fa: DBOps[A]): IO[A] = fa match {
case Create(key, value) => IO.create { // actual code that uses the database
println(s"insert into people(id, name) values ($key, $value)")
myDB += (key -> serialize(value))
case Read(key) => IO.create {
println(s"select * from people where id=$key limit 1")
case Update(key, value) => IO.create {
println(s"update people(name=$value) where id=$key")
val oldValue = myDB(key)
myDB += (key -> serialize(value))
case Delete(key) => IO.create {
println(s"delete from people where id=$key")
val ioProgram: IO[Unit] = myLittleProgram.foldMap(dbOps2IO)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
ioProgram.unsafeRun() // PERFORMS THE ACTUAL WORK
In this article, we did a comprehensive overview of what a Free monad is, why it’s useful, how it helps us decouple our code, how it adds flexibility and testability in our programs, and we implemented our own simple version of a Free monad along with an example abstract program and an interpreter for it in the style of Cats Effect.
Use it well!